Release Highlights: Ispirer Tools Update - Ispirer

Release Highlights: Ispirer Tools Update

July 15, 2024

Ispirer Toolkit Improvements, July 2024

If we consider the sheer number of databases and programming languages out there, the possible migration directions are simply countless. That is why the mission of updating and improving migration products is a never-ending process that should be carried out continuously.

This month, the Ispirer team has been working hard on a number of technologies such as Oracle, Java, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Sybase ASE. The Ispirer Toolkit core has gained a vast number of new conversion rules that further facilitate migration quality.

In addition, we have improved tracking of migration status. This means that customers will now be able to view the migration status for each selected object, which improves visibility into migration progress and helps to closely monitor the conversion progress.

How has NGLFly Wizard been updated? Thanks to the altered algorithm of collecting information, the conversion quality remains high regardless of the license restrictions.

Conversion improvements:

  • Oracle to Java: improved conversion of CONVERT_EXCEPT option, Getters and Setters, SET_MODULE, SET_CLIENT_INFO methods, type from cursor, out parameter casting with inner collection, global cursor in package, Cursor, Collections, BigDecimal, return statements, SUBTYPE of cursor record, Arithmetic operations, CASE WHEN operator, FORMAT_CALL_STACK function, SELECT BULK COLLECT conversion. Improvements related to assigning into object or record, calling of overloaded method, calling constructors, generation of proxy methods. Added annotation CollectionName. Included triggers to supported objects.
  • Firebird to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of TIME data type
  • DB2 to PostgreSQL: improvements related to the query to extract the columns data type properly, to receive the sequences list and their values and convert them, to extract the temporary tables and convert them.
  • SQL Server to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of FOR XML PATH, XML value() method, OUTPUT INTO condition in UPDATE and INSERT methods, SELECT * FOR XML PATH, older alias syntax with FOR XML, UPDATE statements with LEFT JOIN and DELETE with FROM, DATEFROMPARTS, MERGE, сonversion total rowcount params, PATINDEX, index names, JSON_VALUE, CONVERT functions, PERSISTED columns conversion, id params, SCOUPE_DENTITY(), recursive select assignment, COALESCE() function, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE methods, RETURNS TABLE function, сonversion schema name with native functions, CTE in INSERT @tab SELECT statement, OUTPUT parameters, data statement in alias. Improvements related to procedures and functions overloading, importing status, returning columns names.
  • Oracle to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of procedure OUT parameters, Index, TOO_MANY_ROWS, ALTER TABLE, table type, UNIQUE index, "NULL", "NOT NULL" keywords and DEFAULT section in CREATE TYPE statements.
  • C++ to C#: improved conversion of MessageBox method, AfxMessageBox method, macros UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER, comment, gmtime method, pragma directive, String in if, ACHAR, acedGetAcadFrame method, Delegate Action.
  • Informix to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of column name and parameter ambiguity, FOR IN conversion, date to int and back data types castings, instr function , LOOP, temporary table, EXIT LOOP, Double function conversion. Added new conversion for unnamed columns naming, cast for IN.
  • Informix 4GL to Java: improved conversion of type char, type of const variables. Improvements related to initializing items of dynamic arrays, assigning decimal.
  • PBScripts to C#: improved conversion of file functions, operator not, throw, item status, getTheme, return, DataDateTimePicker.
  • VB to VB.NET: improved conversion of Unload, String conversion.

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