Testimonials - Ispirer | Page 2


"SCC Soft Computer was extremely happy with the professionalism, timeframes, milestones and output from the engagement. SCC Soft Computer would not hesitate to re-engage Ispirer Systems for future engagements."

"We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully completed the Migration from MySQL to Oracle 19c Platform. With multiple rounds of UAT migration, our team was able to complete the migration very quickly."

"We are very pleased working together with Ispirer as a team. They proved to be a reliable solution partner providing a great service. And we would recommend Ispirer to anyone having a similar conversion project."

"Thanks to Ispirer for providing such great service for the data base migration projects and we would recommend to anyone having the same kind of project to use Ispirer services or applications for effort/cost saving, and to mitigate risks/challenges."

"Beckman Coulter provided as much of the information as we could but there was a lot of functionality that we did not know. This is where Ispirer talents became apparent as they forensically reengineered functionality."

"Our overall experience with Ispirer tool is positive and we had a great success in everything during the migration process. I would like to recommend Ispirer MnMTK to everyone as this software provides fast and efficient migration results."

"The most valuable and essential thing was the transformation of stored procedures that was executed accurately. A special mention for the support of the Ispirer technical team, who were always ready to support us throughout the entire process."

"Thanks to Ispirer for providing such a useful tool for data base migration projects and I would recommend to anyone having the same kind of project to use the tool for effort/cost saving, and to mitigate risks/challenges."

"A web search returned the highly reviewed Ispirer MnMTK toolkit. Installation of the demo found the application to be simple and straightforward. I was immediately impressed when sample tables converted in seconds. The Ispirer support team was superb!"

"Thanks to Ispirer for providing such a useful tool for DB migration projects and I would recommend to anyone having the same kind of project to use the tool for effort/cost saving, and to mitigate risks/challenges."

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