Migration to Google Cloud Platform

Enjoy the benefits of the integrated Google technologies.

Migration to GCP Overview

Google Cloud Platform

Plan migration with experts: from assessment to validation

Cloud SQL refers to relational database services for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. By migrating your databases to Google Cloud SQL, you benefit from seamless collaboration, faster workflow, and enhanced security and agility.

Using Google Cloud technologies automatically ensures that your business database remains available from anywhere in the world. Cloud SQL provides easy configuration of replication and backups in order to avoid data breach.

These benefits are easily accessible in case your database is supported by Cloud SQL. Otherwise, migrating database SQL and business logic to Cloud can be complex and should be done with prior preparation. Getting rid of a legacy database can complicate a matter even more.

In collaboration with an experienced migration solutions provider you plan and simplify your database migration life cycle, from assessment to validation. Technologies and tools that you choose for the migration impact the effectiveness of the process greatly.

We have an effective solution for your migration task

With Ispirer you can shift your databases to a fully managed database service on Google Cloud SQL from legacy databases like Sybase ASA, Sybase ASE, Informix, IBM DB2 and many others. Moreover, an enterprice can switch from Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server for some reasons and start using an other database on Google Cloud SQL.

Ispirer Toolkit licensable product can be used to optimize your migration and make it seamless to move your on-premises database to the Cloud SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server). The database that stores application data will be transferred to Cloud database. With Ispirer you get an excellent database migration solution that fits any budget and contributes to better performance of your database.

Find the right combination of services for your migration

The applications that you use to connect to the database can be moved to the cloud as well. The SQL objects in the source database can be migrated into the target database objects or in the application tier (e.g. in Java).

The complexity of migrating applications depends on the architecture and application type. Applications running on the cloud database will be compatible with cloud infrastructure, and show better performance than the in-house.

As a migration solutions provider, we have the resources to help you choose the right solution for your enterprise. By teaming with Ispirer you reduce your time and risks and enjoy the full range of Google Cloud technology advantages.

Choose your source database from the list of available options and learn more about migration to Cloud SQL here.

Migration to Google Cloud Services

Benefits You Get

100% Automation

100% Automation

Due to the customization, the manual work after migration will be minimized or eliminated.

Flexible Pricing

Flexible Pricing

You pay for only what you need: pricing depends on the scope and duration of your project.

Optimized Migration

Optimized Migration

You get an intelligent and maintainable code without using any middleware after conversion.

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