- Customer: Trailer lessor
- Country: United States
- Product Used: Ispirer Migration Service
- Source Technology: Informix, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, ASP
- Target Technology: Microsoft SQL Server, C#, ASP.NET
- Project Scope: 850,000 LOC
- Project Duration: 2014
A renowned US trailer lessor approached Ispirer Systems with a request to complete a major migration.
The service was complex and included:
- Migration of three database schemas from Informix to Microsoft SQL Server;
- Three PowerBuilder applications with embedded SQL migration from Informix to Microsoft SQL Server;
- Migration of an ASP site to ASP.NET with twelve Web COM components from Visual Basic to C#.
The Ispirer team was able to accomplish the task within six months. The scope of the project was quite extensive and comprised migration of: more than 250 thousand tables in Informix to Microsoft SQL Server, over 720 thousand lines of code in PowerBuilder embedded SQL from Informix to Microsoft SQL Server, more than 40 thousand lines of code in Visual Basic to C#, and over 80 thousand lines of code in ASP to ASP.NET.
Results and Advantages
Migration of the complex system (ASP site with PowerBuilder and Visual Basic component) was completed within a short span of time. In spite of the intricacies involved with migration of database access layer for PowerBuilder components, our technical specialists faced no issues during the migration process. For higher efficiency, correction of complex joins and dynamic queries were incorporated to the project during the testing period.