Digital Vantage Point, Canada - Ispirer

Digital Vantage Point, Canada

Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL

Digital Vantage Point, Canada

Michael Kulik


February 27, 2017

I suspect that Ispirer is often used by customers looking for a solution to help them port a lot of data from one database type to another. The process may require some stored procedure updates or other conversions in datatypes, etc.

This was not the case for Digital Vantage Point (DVP). We reached out to Ispirer knowing that we had some fairly extensive functionality in our legacy Microsoft SQL database that we needed to reproduce in addition to some datatype conversions.

What helped us make the decision to invest with Ispirer was the fact that they understood that our project would likely need the proactive attention of some of their support team. This is really where Ispirer shined. Frankly, we never expected that the product would handle everything we had done, out of the box. There was no product on the market that could. But with the timely help of Ispirer’s support team, we were able to make great progress automatically, without having to re-write all of our functionality from scratch. As a result, we estimate that we successfully saved hundreds of hours of effort to convert our MS SQL database, which would have otherwise needed to be done entirely by hand.

I strongly recommend to anyone looking for a powerful tool, coupled with a savvy technical support team, to try Ispirer for the database conversion needs.

Do you want to move from SQL Server to MySQL?

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