- Customer: Insurance service provider
- Country: United States
- Product Used: Ispirer Toolkit License
- Source Technology: MySQL
- Target Technology: Oracle
- Project Scope: 100,000 LOC
- Project Duration: 2014-2015
An insurance enterprise, founded more than a hundred years ago in the USA, which offers a wide range of personal and commercial insurance programs. Their policies are designed based on the special needs of entrepreneurs or homeowners.
The company decided to store their business intelligence and data using the relational database management system Oracle. Portability and easier database backups were considered when choosing a closed-source platform.
The customer was searching for the solution to migrate the MySQL database to Oracle.
The Ispirer team discussed the requirements for the database on the Oracle platform with the technical team of the customer and advised on the Ispirer Toolkit functionality. After a comprehensive assessment of company’s migration needs, the work started with the customization stage.
During the Extension Stage, the Ispirer migration tool was tailored to the unique exposures of the customer’s business logic. Custom migration rules were added to the tool to achieve fully automated database migration.
We provided the company with a professional edition of the Ispirer Toolkit license for the first phase of the project. The customer was satisfied with the accuracy of the conversion and the level of software automation. They returned to us to continue transferring the rest of the legacy code to Oracle.
Benefits Derived from Conversion
Due to the flexibility of Ispirer Toolkit, our developers were able to provide specialized software that showed high performance and correctly, without data lost, moved business logic to the target technology.