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Published December 16, 2024

Release highlights

Has your organization outgrown its current systems? Then, it’s time to move to newer, faster, and more scalable technologies. Recent updates to these tools are taking their capabilities to the next level. They will make migration projects not just manageable, but smarter and faster. Here’s how:

Parser upgrades

The Parser is the brain behind the scenes, translating one technology into another. Upgrades to it bring sharper insights and greater adaptability across several platforms. The parser was updated for the following technologies: C#, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, VB, Delphi, Informix, Oracle, MySQL, and DB2.

SQLWays Wizard

SQLWays Wizard guides you through the migration. It does things with speed, clarity, and efficiency. In November 2024, we:

  • Redesigned import process. The new approach makes importing projects intuitive and flexible.
  • Set up advanced SSL support. New parameters for MySQL, MariaDB, and SingleStoreDB make secure connections easier.
  • Added multiprocess conversion. For massive data transfers (like DB2 AS400 or Sybase ASE to MS SQL Server), the Wizard now operates with faster results and higher data quality.
  • More local improvements. Selecting a project folder, import option in the new project, completing conversion process, import to Oracle hangs, API_TARGET_DB=SPRING_JDBC_TEMPLATE option.

nGLFly Wizard

nGLFly Wizard now makes your app migration even more seamless with:

  • Enhanced statistics collection. For Oracle-to-Java and Oracle-to-Oracle migrations, you now get better data integrity.
  • User experience improvements. A cleaner, more responsive interface means less time figuring out the tool and more time driving results.

Assessment Wizard

Knowing the terrain before you set out is crucial. That’s why we keep updating Assessment Wizard:

  • Enhanced reports. These reports show migration complexity and we add more migration directions. Now you’ll know exactly how much of your Oracle to SQL Server can be converted automatically and where manual attention is needed.
  • New report design. Analyzing databases before migration has never been so simple. It’s fast and free. The most important metrics are now even more accessible with the new Assessment Wizard reports.
Assessment Wizard report

Targeted migration directions: smarter, smoother conversions

Here are some highlights from specific directions:

Oracle to Java

Improved conversion of Records, Cursor, and SIGN function. Improvements related to statistic collection, synonyms support implementation, generation of proxy with IN/IN OUT/Default parameters.

Sybase ASA to Oracle

Improvements related to CMD correction for target Oracle database.

MySQL to PostgreSQL

Improved conversion of UNIQUE constraints.

DB2 to PostgreSQL

Improved conversion of RETURNS TABLE (returns identical columns), XML functions, Cursor conversion.

MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL

Improved conversion of Timestamp's trigger, comments conversion, MERGE with OUTPUT, DATEADD, conversion of RETURNS VARCHAR, goto, table function conversion with option REFCURSOR, Keyword Time as variable conversion, DIGEST function conversion, OFFSET conversion, data type for filed, DISTINCT for xml path, missing time part if datetime data conversion. Improvements related to missing ON TRUE for LEFT JOIN LATERAL in complex select statement, import of data to quoted schema name, import table name, using PIVOT and UNPIVOT, SELECT all FROM subselect in RETURN statement with JOIN and UNION using function name after conversion, before-after script logic.

Oracle to PostgreSQL

Improved conversion of query for foreign keys with several columns, conversion, conversion DROP and MODIFY, conversion type is table index, schema name in package objects, select from a pipelined function without parameters, expression IS NOT EMPTY. Improvements related to application error during conversion under Ubuntu 22.04.

C++ to CS

Improved conversion of Array index link in strncpy method, strcspn method, null terminator, pointer structure parameter.

Delphi to CS

Improved conversion of TStringGrid events( OnDrawCell, OnMouseMove, OnKeyDown, OnMouseDown), TPopUpMenu inheritance, MillisecondsBetween function, Class operator implicit in struct, SetLength for array, FillChar function with an array of record, TBitBtn bkClose, TDrawGrid, Font.Color Number, TEdit AutoSize conversion, TADOTable AfterScroll event, TADOTable Active property, TGPPen and TGPGraphics functions, TGPBrush type, DWORD Color, TGPSolidBrush type, TGPHatchBrush type, TGpPointF type, TGPRectF type, TGPFont type, TGPImage type, TGPImage type, TGPBitmap type, _Recordset type, ParamStr, Record string array, const variable in unit, TDrawGrid Canvas Rectangle and TextRect functions, TEdit AutoSize false, TBitBtn bkClose, TStringGrid events, TRadioButton Checked property, TBevel Form Add Controls, TLabel WordWrap property, TCoolBar Control, TBevel BorderStyle, TSpeedButton Font, Quotes in caption, TCheckListBox CheckOnClick property, TDualFaceBtn control. Removed using System.Windows for WinForms.

Informix to PostgreSQL

Improvements related to creating temp table IF NOT EXISTS, query to determine the version of Informix. Improved conversion of SERIAL(0), BIGSERIAL type, temporary table, OUTSCHEMA.


Improved conversion of SQLWAYS_VB_CODEBLOCK.