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Published October 14, 2024

Release highlights

This month Ispirer Toolkit gained the following major updates:

AlloyDB supported
  • AlloyDB is now supported by Ispirer Toolkit! Our customers now have the opportunity to choose AlloyDB as the target database. The level of conversion into AlloyDB is as high as for PostgreSQL, as Ispirer Toolkit uses all the conversion rules that exist for PostgreSQL as a target. Also added support of AlloyDb in the Assessment tool which means that users can generate detailed reports with all the insights about the conversion process.
  • Added support for DB script analysis in Assessment Wizard. Starting with this release, Assessment Wizard can analyze database scripts which provides detailed information about the database objects and helps to understand the complexity of future migration.
  • Added multithreaded conversion for PostgreSQL to SQL Server with the speed of up to 55 GB\h. Ispirer Toolkti supports the multithreaded conversion which greatly facilitates the conversion speed and makes migration
  • Updated Java and C# frameworks. The framework update is always about the conversion quality that is improved. In fact, we offer frameworks in order to improve the conversion quality even further. Such an update means that the migration to Java and C# will be much better than ever before.
  • Added support for Oracle 23AI version. Ispirer Toolkit supports a variety of Oracle versions. Now users can migrate their databases into the latest version of Oracle 23AI using Ispirer Toolkit and use all the benefits of the target database.
  • Optimized performance of objects extraction from Oracle DB. The performance optimization is 50%, which means that extraction will be 2 times faster.

Improving Conversion For a Seamless Transition

Major conversion enhancements:

Oracle to Java

improved conversion of generation of proxy, collection types, return large number as string, describe_columns function, to_date function, option OUTPUT_PARAM, UDF in ESQL , Cursors, Blob convert as string for Table column, Getters and Setters, %rowtype record, Comments, REPLACE function, Integer and Long as parameter of query, type body, Bl conversion, self conversion. Improvements related to calling of overloaded method, calling constructors, marking of unsupported statements. Removed duplicate empty constructor

Sybase ASE to PostgreSQL

improvements related to mapping objects to the desired types with different options. Improved conversion of UNITEXT data type

MySQL to PostgreSQL

improved conversion of ENUM and SET data types

DB2 to PostgreSQL

improved conversion of Handlers and Temp Tables. Added some diagnostic when load data

SQL Server to PostgreSQL

improved conversion of OPENJSON function, conversion JSON_MODIFY function, table with calculated columns, CROSS APPLY with unnecessary alias, Cross apply with unnecessary alias, conversion of schema name for views. Improvements related to modifying a request to retrieve a user defined type. Improvements related to incorrect schema name for additional objects and schema mapping. Added quotes to some columns and aliases. Added quotes for identifiers in CTE. Added Before and After import script


improved conversion of OpenCursor, MoveSpacesTo, Unstring, MoveTo, Trim value in conditions. Improvements related to assignment to array index


improved conversion of if operator, select case operatort

Oracle to PostgreSQL

improved conversion of reserved words in triggers and comments, XML functions, IDENTITY columns conversion, data type conversion for IDENTITY columns, JSON_EXISTS conversion, SYS_CONTEXT conversion, JSON_ARRAY conversion, conversion objects names. Improvements related to setting the default CONVERT_PACKAGE_TO_SCHEMA option, creating objects with schema in dynamic statements. Removed autogenerated column

Oracle to SQL Server

improved conversion of length of string columns

SQL Server to Oracle

improvements related to using IF EXISTS clause in tables with Generate drop statements option. Removed FROM DUAL

SQL Server to MySQL

improved conversion of CONVERT, INSERT SELECT

C++ to C#

improved conversion of Enum in array, Static local variable, conversion without include h file, Constants, struct field

C++ to Java

improved conversion of Declare deleagate

Delphi to Java

improved conversion of StrLComp(), StrPos(), StrPCopy() functions, Textfile, SizeOf method, AssignFile method, Rewrite method, Append method, Writeln method, Flush method, CloseFile method. Improvements related to using of the PChar

Delphi to C#

improved conversion of TDateTimePicker, MimeMessage name, SmtpClient Unit variable, TDBNavigator flat property, LastDelimiter function, TDBLookupComboBox Text property, TDBLookupComboBox Visible property, TAnimate Active property, TAnimate FileName property, Comment, TButton Visible property, TSpeedButton Enabled property, TIdMessage property, FileAge function, FileDateToDateTime function, TStartupInfo and TProcessInformation record, ZeroMemory function, Logical Or, TerminateProcess function,TProcessInformation fields, Self Close function, TADOTable name property, For with var in operator, String IsEmpty property, dsedit, state, with, BoundColumn value field, asstring field, another unit controls property, In State in "with" statement, BoundColumn set value, BoundColumn pass value into function, report variables, inheritance from TQuickRep, left expression casting, TADOTable events, TDataSource Dataset Refresh function, TADOTable Requery function, TDBNavigator buttons conversion, Font conversion, TDBMemo BorderStyle property, TDBMemo ScrollBars property, TBitBtn, TDBGrid without Columns property, Table Column Visible, TTable Active Property, TDBGrid with DataSet without columns property

Informix to PostgreSQL

improved conversion of FOREACH, select from OUTER table, UNION in FOREACH, “€” symbol