BioSignals Ltd, Israel - Ispirer

BioSignals Ltd, Israel

Sybase SQL Anywhere to Microsoft SQL Server

BioSignals Ltd, Israel

Eldad Wasserman


December 20, 2017

In The last 2 weeks your company helps us to migrate a big Sybase SQL Anywhere database schema and content to MSSQL 2017.

Before we got your service, we tried to use other products and other services for this task - and we face some major migration issues.

Now, after your great job, we have MSSQL database that is identical to our Sybase database. We checked deeply all the MSSQL schema structure and data type (we have thousands of different columns in our database) include English + Hebrew contents and also most of our store procedures also migrated successfully.

I will be happy to recommend anyone to use your company services in databases migration, you showed me how professional is your team and I am sure that any customer that will use your services will be very happy from the results.

Feel free to use my contact details as your satisfied customer in front of any new potential customer that would like to hear recommendations about your company abilities.

Do you want to move from Sybase ASA to SQL Server?

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