Ispirer Toolkit supports all popular databases. The tool works using ODBC connection, so make sure that the ODBC driver can be installed on the same computer with Ispirer Toolkit.
You can learn all the system requirements of Ispirer Toolkit here.
Please, note that if you use 32-bit drivers, you need to migrate with a 32-bit version of Ispirer Toolkit. If you are using 64-bit drivers, you need a 64-bit version of Ispirer Toolkit.
The list of supported databases:
- Oracle
- Microsoft SQL Server
- IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows
- IBM Db2 for z/OS and OS/390, MVS
- IBM Db2 for iSeries and AS/400
- SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA), Sybase SQL Anywhere
- SAP Sybase IQ
- Informix Dynamic Server (IDS)
- Informix Standard Engine (SE)
- PostgreSQL
- Pivotal Greenplum
- EnterpriseDB: PostgreSQL Plus, PostgreSQL Plus Advanced Server
- Progress OpenEdge
- Teradata
- HPE Neoview
- HPE NonStop SQL/MX
- IBM Netezza
- MaxDB
- Pervasive PSQL
- Microsoft Access
- InterBase
- Firebird
- IBM Notes
- dBase, FoxPro, Excel, Paradox, Gupta SQLBase, Clipper and any other ODBC-compliant database
You can find the information about target databases at Target Databases