
  • Customer: Quasi-conductor service provider
  • Country: Singapore
  • Product Used: Ispirer Toolkit License
  • Source Technology: Microsoft SQL Server
  • Target Technology: Oracle
  • Project Scope: 10,000 LOC
  • Project Duration: 2014


A large enterprise based in Singapore that provides quasi-conductors and related services. The company offers full turnkey solutions that involve testing, designing and distribution. This member of the Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology family of companies has several production plants in the Four Asian Tigers. Their clients range from small businesses to leading companies in sphere of communication and high technologies.


The company had the move of their IT structure from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle on agenda and came to Ispirer in order to perform the task in short terms. The new relational database management system was expected to facilitate database use and increase their efficiency.

The client asked us to automate the migration of 1 thousand tables with 100 GB of data to Oracle. The overall volume of the legacy in SQL Server involved about 10 thousand lines of code.


Ispirer Toolkit functionalities are enough to perform a database migration from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle and reach up to 100% of automation. Ispirer developers analyzed the specifications provided and added some specific conversion rules into the software in order to ensure the highest performance.

The licensed toolkit was delivered to the client and launched on their side. With the help of the Ispirer Toolkit the business logic with all the huge amount of data was migrated to Oracle in less than 2 months.

Results and Advantages

Ispirer solution enabled the quick and correct database migration of SQL Server to Oracle. The client got a functional database in Oracle platform ready for use.