Once you've set a high standard for conversion quality, maintaining it isn't enough - you must continually raise the bar to ensure unparalleled excellence. At Ispirer, where customer satisfaction reigns supreme, we're dedicated to expanding the capabilities of our solutions daily.
To this end, over the past month the Ispirer team has once again expanded the list of conversion rules for migrating a large number of databases and programming languages, including Sybase IQ, SQL Server, Oracle, COBOL, Informix, Java, Sybase ASE and others.
Assessment Toolkit boasts having three types of assessment reports: Standard, Extended and Advanced. Every month we continue to extend the assessment reports of various migration directions. This month we upgraded Standard reports to Extended with Sybase ASE as a source database and now they provide comprehensive insights into statements detected in these databases. Such an upgrade provides more information about the source database and allows a meticulous assessment of existing constructions. Additionally, for Oracle to Java conversions, we've introduced new constructions in Advanced reports and refined the complexity calculation algorithm.
Meanwhile, the SQLWays Wizard has undergone significant enhancements, improving the quality of generated reports and the overall user experience. As we place utmost importance on the usability of our tools, we strive to provide a logical and user-friendly interface. That’s why we’ve enhanced the layout of migration reports to ensure that essential information remains readily accessible.