April 6, 2023
Some of our clients are wondering why we post updates of Ispirer tools every month. The answer is simple. Since the market is changing rapidly, improving our products is an endless process, as we should keep up with modern trends. Despite the fact that our products ensure high conversion speeds and quality migration, we still continue improving Ispirer products to stay unrivaled.
SQLWays Wizard was considerably changed in March. First, the tool now includes a pre-conversion feature that allows you to see how selected objects will be converted by SQLWays Wizard. Second, data conversion in multi-process mode for Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL directions has been enhanced to provide a higher quality and conversion speed. Third, SQLWays Toolkit provides better support for Sybase IQ as a source technology.
NglFLy Wizard, a tool for automated application conversion, now has improved reports that contain useful tips about resolving possible conversion issues. Furthermore, the summary page has been expanded to give a more comprehensive overview about the conversion settings.
The Ispirer engineers updated Assessment Wizard as well. We improved the service estimation algorithm to collect info about a source database as quickly as possible.
What is more, the parser technology in Ispirer Toolkit has been extended for the following source directions: COBOL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Informix 4GL, Firebird, Microsoft SQL Server.
Conversion improvements:
- DB2 LUW to Microsoft SQL Server: improved conversion of timestamp default precision, left().
- DB2 z/OS to Microsoft SQL Server: added conversion of ROWNUMBER(), DATE() for EUR format, MONTHNAME(), DIGITS(), CONNECT TO.
- DB2 LUW to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of FROM TABLE(fn()) construction, XMLTABLE(), CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, Data types conversion. Added conversion of SYSDATE, NVL(), OLD TABLE() function.
- Informix to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of BLOB data, DML statements that are used with objects from remote databases, format(), objects with more than 100 parameters, UNITS operator.
- Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server: added conversion of CHARACTER SET option in tables.
- Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL:: improved conversion of FOR JSON PATH construction, bytea in aggregate functions, sp_set_session_context, dynamic sql, variables of table type , TABLE(MULTISET()) construction.
- Oracle to MySQL: improved conversion of varray data type as parameter.
- Oracle to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH , instr(), instrb(), TABLE of NUMBER, BULK COLLECT.
- PostgreSQL to Microsoft SQL Server: improved conversion of trigger functions.
- PostgreSQL to Oracle: improved conversion of SELECT INTO FROM fn(), triggers with bind variables, INSERT with POLYGON expressions, INSERT INTO RETURNING, return query, function that return VALUES(), casting clob to varchar2, check constraints, OLD and NEW tables in triggers, cursors with dynamic sql, characters with length greater than 4000, json_each_text(), TEXT data conversion, json_array_elements, STRING2ARRAY, json_each_text, select from VALUES(), duplicate columns in cursor, json_array_length, FOR LOOP, cursor and record declaration, record usage, jsonb_build_object, regexp_like(), format(), JSON_QUERY(), -> and ->> operators, cursor variables outside loop, table functions, functions with OUT parameters that returns SET OF, conversion of blob data. Added conversion of POLYGON data type.
- Progress to MySQL: added conversion of varray columns (extents).
- COBOL to C#: improved conversion of FILE-CONTROL section, do-while.
- Delphi to C#: improved conversion of arctan(), constructors, GetFileAttributes() and SetFileAttributes() together with constants, TStringList arrays, ClearSelection method, property TTabControl Tabs.Strings[], Popup method, Clear and LoadFromStream methods of type TMemoryStream, YearsBetween(), RowHeights[] property, Mouse.CursorPos property, ListView.Items.Insert(index) method, SetLength(), multi-dimensional arrays, CreateBlobStream method, SaveToStream method, Lines.SaveToStream method, Lines.LoadFromStream method, Application.ProcessMessages(), MouseToCell method, DefaultRowHeight property.
- Oracle to Java: improved conversion of execute immediate with %rowtype, %rowtype usage, ROWCOUNT, BULK COLLECT, package specification conversion, NEXT and PRIOR collection methods, records usage, collection names conversion, usage of records declared in other packages, if cursor%isopen, nested loops.
- Informix 4GL to Java: improved conversion of define decimal, bigdecimal data type, GOTO with label, call, IF construction, cursors, select into global variable, FLOAT data type, comments, whenever error goto, “*” “/” “-“ and “+” operations with BigDecimal, records usage, records, HAVING clause.
- PowerBuilder to C#:added conversion of maxbox and minbox properties, argument and constant comparison of different types, color, PostEvent(), SelectText(), isNumber(), validation rules.
- PowerBuilder to Java:added conversion of maskdatatype, default and cancel in class constructor, picturename, CHAR data type, fileClose, fileOpen, fileWriteEx, retrieve(), useEffect(), BLOB data type, time(), wordcap(), Second, Minute, hour. Improved package generation, error handling conversion.