Elevate Performance: Ispirer tools update

April 5, 2024

Ispirer Toolkit Improvements, April 2024

Have we already talked about how we once set the bar for high conversion quality? We do our best to meet the most stringent conversion quality requirements. This is precisely why we refine, improve and modernize our products non-stop.

But how much can you improve? - you can ask. Well, sky's the limit, right? There are hundreds of different databases and as many programming languages. And how many migration directions they make up is even difficult to count. Achieving a high level of code conversion and database migration can only be achieved by constantly adding new conversion rules to the core of our tools.

So, what have we updated this month?

First, we have expanded the list of conversion rules for technologies such as Oracle, Java, Visual FoxPro, C#, DB2, Informix, C++, PostgreSQL, Sybase IQ. This means that our products now produce even better migration results.

Second, SQLWays Wizard now has optimized settings for Oracle. Thanks to that configuration, the speed of data import is now much higher than ever before.

Third update concerns Embedded SQL. As you all know Ispirer Toolkit is able to convert Embedded SQL code. Now it will also notify a user in case no embedded SQL has been detected during a migration.

Fourth, a major update of nGLFly Wizard has been dropped this month. Our team has modernized the Completing page. A new version of the tool contains comprehensive data about the conversion, including the percentage of converted files, and conversion errors.

The Assessment Wizard did not go unnoticed either. The Ispirer team has reworked the analysis algorithm for the most accurate assumption of conversion rate. So the summary info provides a higher level of accuracy now. Additionally, for Oracle to PostgreSQL conversions, we've introduced new constructions in Advanced reports and refined the complexity calculation algorithm.

Conversion improvements:

  • Oracle to Java: improved conversion of OUTPUT parameters, SELECT INTO sub collection, FLOAT type, Getters and Setters, Object type member method, Cursor select for loop, arithmetic operations between strings, %rowtype of cursor, SELECT ALL, BEGIN END block in IF block, CONVERT_EXCEPT option, ".class", REFRESH procedure, FETCH in FOR LOOP, EXECUTE function. Removed extra length for number at param block. Improvements related to calling Type's method with self out/in parameters.
  • Firebird to Oracle: improved conversion of ASC and DESC with NULLS. Added NULL statement for empty BEGIN - END block. Improvements related to index names for Oracle.
  • Sybase IQ to Oracle: improvements related to empty parentheses adding for view, ISNUMERIC and DATEDIFF function conversion, RAND and BIGINTTOHEX functions conversion, encrypt and decrypt functions conversion, dynamic statement conversion, Loading into table conversion, default value conversion for DATETIME column, XP_READ_FILE() function conversion. Removed comment between procedure, function, trigger and its name.
  • Sybase ASE to Oracle: improved conversion of TranslateQualifiedIdentifier function, Table delimiter conversion. Improvements related to using params with mapping
  • SQL Server to Java: improved conversion of DATEDIFF function
  • Oracle to Sybase ASE: improved conversion of Empty_blob function.
  • DB2 to PostgreSQL: improvements related to global mapping for VARCHAR(X) FOR BIT DATA, Data extraction from char varchar columns.
  • SQL Server to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of quotes for aliases, type of column in functions, upper and lower case in db and objects names with dblink.
  • Oracle to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of TYPE conversion, SECURITY_DEFINER option, HEXTOBIGINT and BINTOSTR. Improvements related to importing package priority.
  • SQL Server to Oracle: added COMMIT after INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE statements. Improvements related to Parameter in coalesce function conversion and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS columns, GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS conversion.
  • SQL Server to DB2: improvements related to PIVOT conversion
  • DB2 to SQL Server: improvements related to Date data type conversion.
  • C++ to C#: improved conversion of typedef delegate, Delegate Action, TrimRight method, TrimRight method, TRY CATCH macros, THROW_LAST macros, m_strStateNativeOrigin, WideCharToMultiByte method, CUIntArray, _itoa method, CRect, LPCREATESTRUCT, SetIndicators method, SetFocus method, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO, Inherit CComboBox, CFont, MSG type, PreTranslateMessage method, GetKeyState method, ShowDropDown method, GetCurSel method, FindString method, GetLBTextLen method, GetLBText method, SetTopIndex method, strncat method, SetCurSel method, SetEditSel method, GetSafeHwnd method, HBRUSH, SubclassWindow method, SetHorizontalExtent method, UnsubclassWindow method, POINT, _wfopen, ntohs method, htons method, m_strError, L char string, PtInRect method, NormalizeRect method, SetFont method, CRect NULL, SetLimitText method, MoveWindow method, GetTextExtent method, LimitText method, SetSel method, GetCaretPos method, DoModal method,fread method, sizeof char, Char array, wcsncpy method, wcsicmp method, ON_CONTROL_REFLECT macros, ON_WM_CHAR macros, ON_WM_SETFOCUS macros, ON_WM_KILLFOCUS macros, ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN macros, OnInitDialog, DoDataExchange, DDX methods, Delegate function and struct union, Сombining methods, _snprintf method, Define and initialize two same variable, ON_BN_CLICKED macros, Messages macros, enum, Delegate , SetDate method, GetCurrentTime method, COleDateTime, RETCODE type, strchr method, OnRButtonDown afx_msg method, OnKillFocus afx_msg method, OnChar afx_msg method, OnSetFocus afx_msg method, GetDlgCtrlID method, EnumWindows method, SetForegroundWindow method, GetSystemTime method, MessageBeep method, ChildWindowFromPoint method, ScreenToClient method, SendMessage, SelectObject method, GetTextMetrics method, GetDesktopWindow method, Comments.
  • Visual FoxPro to C#: improved conversion of MessageBox, RefreshEvent, CaptionProperty, ValueProperty, ConvertToBoolean, VisibleEnableProperty, EmptyWithCursor, WhenEvent, Between, IniArray, Append, IsNull, ForEach, GlobalVariables, TableRevert, onClick, Val, DateTime, Inlist function, Trim function, Skip function, DisabledBackColor, ConvertToDoubleOrString, Parent, Visible Enable, BackColor, ForeColor, Date function, Alias function, Delete, Unlock, Max and Min functions, Valid event, Ltrim functions, ToUpperLower, Mod function, Cursor, Click Event.
  • Informix to PostgreSQL: improved conversion of IDENTITY_COLUMN_TYPE option, CASE with empty ELSE conversion, query UniqueConstraintsList, conversion NVARCHAR data type. Added TRIG_PROC_SCHEMA_PREFIX and TRIG_PROC_SCHEMA_SUFFIX options. Improvements related to converting dblink to schema for functions and procedures calls.
  • Delphi to Java improved conversion of MutableObjects, Constructor And Destructor.

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