Ispirer Tools Monthly Update, December 2022 - Ispirer

Ispirer Tools Monthly Update, December 2022

December 6, 2022

Ispirer tools monthly update, December 2022

One of the main components of a successful project is a premigration assessment. This in-depth review helps evaluate the complexities and risks, which, in turn, helps in choosing the right plan of action for the migration project. That is why we pay close attention to the quality of our free Ispirer Assessment Toolkit.

What’s new in Ispirer Assessment Toolkit?

This month we added a new table with summary information about objects complexity. What is more, we improved conversion for Oracle to PostgreSQL directions by extending the Toolkit Efficiency Assumption block in generated reports.

Also we do remember about graphical user interface as well as about our international customers. We improved GUI in the html reports, fixed minor bugs in assessment logic and added support of Japanese characters in object names in GUI.

Ispirer Toolkit improvements:

  • Improved general report that is generated after import for migration to Microsoft SQL Server
  • Improved user experience by removing Export Options page and moved necessary options to appropriate pages. Updated the interface of Summary page and reports page in GUI.
  • Added the possibility to copy and save the generated command line into files.
  • Improved default option settings for main directions in GUI.

Conversion improvements:

  • Sybase ASE to PostgreSQL:improved conversion of the following constructions: UPDATE with Join, procedure calls with OUT and INOUT parameters, aliases, COMMIT inside procedures returns resultset, 0x00 value.
  • SAP SQL Anywhere to Microsoft SQL Server:improved *= and =* joins conversion.
  • DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server:improved conversion of the following constructions: SQLSTATE, FETCH FIRST ROW, FIRST N ROW, Labels, STRIP, Handlers, CHAR(), DATE(), RESULT SET LOCATOR, DECFLOAT data type.
  • DB2 to PostgreSQL:improved conversion of the following constructions: syscat.tables, temp tables, trigger pseudo tables, date substraction conversion, DELETE from SELECT, handlers with open cursors inside.
  • Informix to PostgreSQL:improved Sequences conversion.
  • Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL:improved conversion of the following constructions: begin try with semicolon, GEOGRAPHY data type, SPLIT_STRING(), DECOMPRESS(), TRY_CAST(), TRY_CONVERT(), TRY_PARSE(), procedures that returns select, sequences conversion, money and smallmoney data types.
  • Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server:improved conversion of EXCEPTION NO_DATA_FOUND.
  • Oracle to MySQL:improved conversion of the following constructions: FULL OUTER JOIN, cursor variables, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type, CHECK constraint, connect by, variables declarations.
  • Oracle to PostgreSQL:improved conversion of the following constructions: Type is table into arrays, NULLs in select with UNIONs, COLLECT method, RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE, complex conditions in joins, schema usage.
  • Oracle to Java:improved conversion of the following constructions: Cursor with Parameters, cursor in package specification, ROWID, TO_CHAR(), functions as parameters, record types and its default values, RAWTOHEX(), dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.DES3Encrypt, dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.DES3Decrypt, DBMS_OUTPUT.DISABLE, LAST_DAY(), output parameters, NO_DATA_FOUND Exception, TO_NUMBER(), cursor for loop, for loop in select with parameters, nested functions and its parameters, conversion, UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW, package specification to constructor, ROWID(), usage of variables from other packages, ROUND(), MOD(), %ISOPEN. Added generation of main package for the conversion with connection.
  • Delphi to C#:improved conversion of the following constructions: GetTempFileName, TADODataSet, TRegistryObject.ValueExists(), TRegistry RootKey, OpenKey(), TRegistryObject.OpenKeyReadOnly().
  • VB to C#: added conversion of the following constructions: Tag, OptionButton controls, Unload, Timer, hwnd form, ANY parameter, CheckBox Value, Error.Description, Error.Number, MessageBox parameters, MkDir, Dir(), SPLIT(), ASC(), RowSource property, FileSystemObject, Refresh, WebBrowser properties Offline and Location, RichTextBox properties HideSelection BulletIndent Scrollbars, Slider, Events handling, Delegate for Event, Format, GOTO label, CHR, ReadBool(), ReadFloat(), ReadInteger(), ReadString(), OCT(), CByte(), CDec(), CChr(), CShort, UInteger, CUint, ULong, CUlng, UShort, CUshort, StrReverse(), StrDup(), Split(), StrComp(), Join(), LSET(), RSet(), InStrRev(), FormatDateTime(), FormatPercent(), MultiDimensionalArray, Filter().
  • Cobol to C#: changed default settings in NGLFly Wizard to improve user experience.
  • Informix 4GL to Java: improved conversion of the following constructions: db connection, smallint data type conversion, bigdecimal assignment, serial data type, display, select with multiple into, integer operations, plus, multiply, division and substraction operations with bigdecimal, insert statements, prepare and execute statemetns, Exit program, mdy(), extend().

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