Pro*Cobol Embedded Oracle to Embedded HiRDB Conversion - Ispirer

Pro*Cobol Embedded Oracle to Cobol Embedded HiRDB Conversion

Ispirer Toolkit database and application migration tool is a cost effective product that can cater unique business requirements. Our flexible tool is constantly evolving. We place our greatest stress to helping our customers to run a smooth database and application migration and accomplish a wide variety of tasks.

Pro*Cobol Embedded Oracle to Cobol Embedded HiRDB Migration

Conversion for Embedded SQL statements is based on initial implementation Oracle to HiRDB.

Why Ispirer Toolkit?

Ispirer Toolkit automates the migration process of your Pro*Cobol Embedded Oracle applications to Cobol Embedded HiRDB. Moreover, with Ispirer Toolkit you eliminate most of associated risks and considerably reduce internal efforts. All these benefits are available at very reasonable and competitive costs, which makes Ispirer Toolkit even more attractive instrument for this project type.

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